Kite 2 Now Available At 10 Optical 88 Stores

Incus Partners with Optical 88, Making Kite 2 Available at 10 Stores

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Optical 88, aiming to provide convenient access to hearing aids, just like obtaining eyeglasses, for the underserved population with hearing loss. With Optical 88's expertise in vision and hearing care, this partnership is a natural fit.

The Incus Kite 2 Smart Personal Sound Amplifier is now available for both experience and purchase at ten Optical 88 stores in the Guangdong province of Mainland China. The store staff has undergone comprehensive training to assist customers in setting up Kite 2. If any of the listed stores below are convenient for you, please feel free to contact them directly for a product experience.

List of Stores

In the initial stage of collaboration, Kite 2 is available at five stores in Guangzhou, three stores in Shenzhen and two stores in Foshan. 


  • 眼镜88天河城:广州市天河区天河路208号天河城购物中心三层310-312号铺。 联系电话:020-85592607
  • 眼镜88护眼中心 IGC Eyecare Centre:广州市天河区珠江新城兴民路222号天汇广场地下负二层202A号商铺。 联系电话:020-83030029
  • 眼镜88北京路广百百货:广州市越秀区北京路295号广百百货新翼一楼眼镜88专柜。 联系电话:020-83359496
  • 眼镜88恒宝广场:广州荔湾区宝华路133号恒宝广场首层212-213(双连)铺。 联系电话:020-81242255
  • 眼镜88滨江东:广州市海珠区滨江东路31、39号“滨江东岸”购物广场首层自编22号商铺。 联系电话:020-34258956


  • 眼镜88益田假日广场:深圳市南山区深南大道9028号益田假日广场B2-31号铺。联系电话:0755-86294315
  • 眼镜88喜荟城:深圳市罗湖区东湖街道太宁路百仕达东郡广场裙楼二层240号铺。联系电话:0755-82531095
  • 眼镜88宝能太古城:深圳市南山区蛇口街道深圳湾社区中心路2233号宝能太古城北区NB102-103 眼镜88。联系电话:0755-26828343


  • 眼镜88顺德天佑城:佛山市顺德区容桂红星桂洲大道中63号天佑城首层B011号铺。联系电话:0757-22901398
  • 眼镜88保利水城:佛山市南海区桂城街道灯湖西路20号保利商业水城首层1A012-1A014号商铺。联系电话:0757-86236311

About Optical 88

Founded in 1988, OPTICAL 88 has been rooted in Hong Kong for over 30 years and now owns the territory’s largest professional optical retail network. They state:

“We see your eyes as the key to soul and entrance to the world. With a mission to preserve the best moment in your life, we strive to guard your vision health.

We pursue perfection and excellence by enhancing our service and expanding the business over years. Other than the well-known eyewear retail business, we have established Professional Eyecare and Hearing Care Centres where various comprehensive examinations and assessments are designed for you and family of all ages, including Comprehensive Eye Examination, Myopia Control Consultation, Progressive Lens Experience and Hearing Assessment, etc.”

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