How to Clean Kite 2
Earwax and dust will gradually build up on the eartips and wax guards when using Kite 2.
This can affect both the sound and hygiene.
That’s why we recommend to regularly clean Kite 2.
The rate of buildup varies across people, but cleaning it once every 1-2 months is sufficient for most users.
Here’s how to clean the eartips and waxguards:
i. Carefully remove the eartips. Get a fingernail underneath the white silicon part and gently lift it up. Don’t pull the fin, as that’s the most vulnerable part.
ii. Use an alcohol wipe to clean the eartips.
iii. While waiting for the eartips to dry, use a soft brush to gently remove anything that’s stuck on the waxguards.
iv. Wait until the eartips are dry (5-10 minutes) before reattaching them.